Saturday, September 20, 2008

Summer Spectacular.....

This summer I was a leader at summer spectacular and had 8 adorable kids. So here are some fun memories during the week.

This was the whole group: Me, Kiley, Morgan, Riley,Nick ,Young,Ryan , Spencer,Hannah and Ali. (it's been a while so a few of the names might be wrong. sorry)

We Did some Crafts:

This is a Hilarious picture because the little boy on the Left was doing the best drawing I've ever seen a Kindergartener do(it was perfectly in the lines) and the boy on the right would take the black marker everyday and make a "Tomato Storm" (which is what he called it)

They Got their faces painted:

We Played Some Games:

  • Like Duck Duck Goose
  • They made a fort under a table
  • Water Games
  • Picture Tag (This is where i chase the kids around a room and try taking pictures of them)

  • Limbo

We ate some yummy food:

  • Like Apples
  • and Popsicles

We Sighed Each others shirts:

We Danced:

Face Painted:

The Girls:


These two were instant best friends and loved taking pictures together

The Boys:

This was the most photogenic boy

In the end all the guy leaders had to go up on stage and do a really girly dance which was hilarious. Dancing with the kids was the most fun of the whole week. I am definitely doing this again next year.

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